
willing to collapse inside a suitcase like a rag doll and stay there for weeks and months if necessary without making hardly a sound. But for the TV's whose "girl-within" is a robust lass, an eager and demanding feminine entity, she can be like a volcano that's been blocked in its crater by hardened rock and lava, the pressure builds up with ever increasing force, and if no exit is provided, an explosion in- evitably will take place and bury everything in sight. Such exposions have destroyed more than one marriage (wife, children and job included).


More examples? Let's take the case of "D". For a while the wife was going along with the fact that her husband was a TV. This "going along" turn- ed out to be an extremely superficial attitude. fact is that she hated TVism. But she held this hatred in check and as in the reverse example above, the pressure within her began to build up until the explosion took place. Today the marriage exists only in name. She moved out of their bedroom, and whole days go by without their exchanging even a couple of words. Not even Christmas mellowed her attitude. The marriage hangs together by a thread. The one thing that keeps it together are the child- ren. But even they are quite aware of the hostility that permeates the entire household. Andother ex- ample? (I've got a lot of them!) Let's take a look a "K". Married for many years. The TV urge it usually happens was growing stronger. Then, menopause, (in the wife, I mean), and nerves shot. What irks her the most? You guessed it! His TVism! The situation becomes so unbearable that he has re- cently left the home...and is living alone. One more marriage down the drain. And the more examples like these I see, the stronger becomes my conviction that marriage is not for the TV's. For those already married - it is not only advisable, but imperative, to either bring the wife closer into his TV world or to multiply his precautions (if she is not aware of his TVism). The situation in itself is a dangerous one and calls for practical, positive thinking and


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